Ubuntu on IBM

Ubuntu on IBM is a set of customised Ubuntu images that allow easy access to a wide range of products and services - offered by both IBM cloud and Canonical. These images have an optimised kernel that boots faster, has a smaller footprint and includes IBM-specific drivers.

These images provide a foundation for deploying cloud-based software solutions, specifically for software built on Ubuntu and running on IBM cloud. They focus on providing the optimal tools and features needed to run specific workloads.

The images create a stable and secure cloud platform that is ideal for scaling development work done on Ubuntu-based systems. Since Ubuntu is one of the most favoured operating systems amongst developers, using an Ubuntu-based image for the corresponding cloud deployment becomes the simplest option.

Everyone from individual developers to large enterprises use these images for developing and deploying their softwares. For highly regulated industries from the government, medical and finance sectors, various security-certified images are also available.

IBM services

Canonical and the Ubuntu community work together with IBM to ensure that Ubuntu works seamlessly across IBM platforms, including IBM Z and LinuxONE, IBM Power Systems and the IBM Cloud.

Canonical provides optimised Ubuntu LTS images with a custom kernel, minimal size, livepatch and support.

How-to guide

Instructions for upgrading from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 on virtual machines within IBM’s Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): Upgrade from Focal to Jammy

Project and community

Ubuntu on IBM is a member of the Ubuntu family and the project warmly welcomes community projects, contributions, suggestions, fixes and constructive feedback.